History -
I began my wood working at age 9 helping my dad remodel our house. In my high school years, my after school job was the 'go fer' at a boat dealership. Here I learned a great deal about wood working as an intern, working along side a Master Craftsman, finishing the interior of a 65' sailboat. During my college years I continued my wood working by building new store display fixtures for the hardware store I worked in.
After college I continued wood working as a personal hobby and for family and friends only.
I retired in 2014, leaving a globe hopping career. I soon picked up my hobby of building and refinishing wooden furniture. This was short lived as I quickly became bored with this much slower pace. I returned to the corporate world in 2017 for a 2.5 year stint. I retired again in September 2017.
I am returning to my love of wood working again..............Maybe it will stick, this time!
Bob Livingston - Woodworking Craftsman